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Tyler Perry’s life from poverty to building an empire

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Rich & Famous
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By Magdalen Luettgen

September 19, 2021

Tyler Perry is an African-American writer, director, producer and actor. He was born in New Orleans on September 13, 1969. He grew up in a single parent family with his mother who worked hard to raise him.  His net worth is also equally admirable at an estimated $600 million. The fact that he owns all of his projects means that he is completely in control of his costs, revenues, and profits, which has propelled him to wealthy status. Tyler Perry owns a large studio lot in Atlanta, which is one of the largest studios in the nation, and he is the first African-American to own a major film studio outright.

Tyler Perry did not get to where he is today without learning some life lessons, which we will go over briefly.


Never Doubt Yourself 

The first lesson you can learn from Tyler Perry is always believing in yourself even if no one else does. He attributes this belief to his success. Tyler Perry’s first movie was made from a series of letters to himself. It was titled “I know I have been changed” based on surviving child abuse. Even though this started his career, it wasn’t elementary to come to life. According to him, he spent every dime he had on this movie and eventually became homeless. But this movie launched his career and made him the success story he is today. Tyler has managed to leverage his talent of storytelling to make some money. But he believes talent is never enough; you need to believe in yourself always.

Open a Bank Account

Even though this sounds basic, you will be amazed at the number of people that don’t own a bank account. A lot of people don’t take advantage of these services. Not having a bank account can be costing you more than you know.  Tyler said when he was young and was living from paycheck to paycheck, he could not always make it to the bank before they closed. He couldn’t make it because he was in college and working simultaneously. As a result, he had to pay cashing fees to cash his check. The cashing prices are ridiculous, and he had to pay it every single month. Cashing fees is a lot of money that could have been saved. Nowadays technology has made mobile deposits very easy, so there is no reason why you should not own a bank account.

Don’t Spend Extravagantly

He said he was not born rich, and as a result, he got good at eliminating unnecessary expenses. Unnecessary expenses, if not checked, add up to a considerable massive sum at the end of the month. An unnecessary expense like a coffee a day can pile up. He said to make a necessary distinction between wants and needs. If it is a want, then you need to ask yourself if the product is worth it.

Know Where Your Money Goes

Unlike most celebrities, Tyler doesn’t believe in outsourcing his accounting activities. He thinks he should be aware of where every penny goes. He says he got the advice from Oprah Winfrey, who always says,” sign your check, watch your money.”


The story of Tyler Perry is an inspiring one. He was raised in poverty, but he never let that hold him back from achieving his dreams. While you may not be planning to become a famous writer or filmmaker, you can still learn from Tyler’s success.


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