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How to protect your computer against hackers, thieves, and viruses?

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By Eldon Schamberger

December 18, 2021

A state of computer security, cybersecurity, or Information technology security is the conceptual ideal, achieved by using three processes: threat prevention, detection, and response. Nowadays, computer security comprises only preventive measures, like exit procedures or firewalls. Only a handful of firms or organizations have computer systems with reliable detection systems, and fewer still have proper response mechanisms.

If you leave your pc unprotected, you are deliberately inviting phishing attackers, malware, spam, hackers, fraudsters, scammers, baiting, smishing, vishing (voice phishing or phone phishing), pretexting, spear phishing, piggybacking or tailgating, and water holing. Keeping yourself safe is simple; it doesn’t require a degree in computer science. Installing reliable anti-virus software can cause a big difference between the life and death of your PC.


Protecting your sensitive, personal data from various malware, including viruses, Trojan horses, ransomware, and spyware is necessary. This variety of malware is responsible for destroying your important files, slowing down, and gradually crippling or crashing your whole system.

I think vulnerability management is the most reliable cycle of identifying, improving, and reducing computer vulnerabilities, especially for firmware and software. It is integral to both computer security and network security. A vulnerability scanner is used to analyze your PC in search of the most common vulnerabilities, like insecure software configurations and open ports.

MFA (Multi-factor authentication)

MFA (Multi-factor authentication) is the most reliable method for reducing unauthorized access to your PC. It is a method of computer access control in which you are granted access only after presenting at least three pieces of evidence; it requires knowledge (something you know), a password or PIN code, possession (something you have), your cellphone, a card or a dongle, and inherence (something you are), your biometric data like your DNA, your eye retinas and irises, your facial patterns, your fingerprints, your hand measurements, and your voice patterns.


Enoculation or inoculation is another reliable countermeasure to prevent all social engineering techniques and fraudulent traps or tricks by instilling a strong resistance to persuasion attempts.


Finally, let me discuss hardware protection mechanisms in detail. Most of the time, your hardware is the source of your computer insecurity, such as microchip vulnerabilities. Hardware-assisted or hardware-based computer security also offers a safe alternative to software-only-based computer security. Always use USB dongles to unlock software capabilities; besides, configure your USB dongle to lock and unlock your computer.

Another security application for USB dongles is using them to access web-based content like cloud software or VPNs. The reason is an encryption scheme on the USB dongle like AES provides the strongest measure of security as it is difficult to hack and replicate the USB dongle than easily copying your software to another machine and abusing it.

If only scammers, hackers, and internet thieves used their creative and intelligent skills to earn an honest living, you would not have to practice so many safety measures to lock down and secure your computer system. Until then, self-production is really important.


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